What episode does nick find out juliet is a hexenbiest
What episode does nick find out juliet is a hexenbiest

Counters Nick: "I think Adalind had something to do with you being beat up. "She thinks you had something to do with her mother's death," he says. Nick goes immediately to the hospital where Hank explains that Adalind visited moments before the attack. "Get us the key." The next morning, Wu calls Nick with news: Hank's place is trashed and he is injured. Not to mention that you tried to murder his aunt," she says. "If not, the Grimm will be told your identity - royal and otherwise. Adalind then explains that Renard has 48 hours to get the key from Nick. "Not much of an accomplishment, really," Renard deadpans. She implies that she not only talked to Eric, but had sex wth him. Later, Adalind confronts Renard, who has been brought to her hotel by the leather clad thugs. She leaves and Hank goes inside, only to be attacked by two hexenbiests. Adalind implies that Nick had something to do with her mother's death. Adalind shows up at Hank's house and attempts to apologize to the detective. Nick decides he doesn't want to know the identity of the mystery man before leaving the house and slamming the door. "I'm having feelings for another man and I don't know why," she says. "I think there's a possibility this has something to do with the spell Adalind put on her." Nick, hurt and angry, doesn't buy it. Monroe spills the bad news that Juliette was making out with a customer in the spice shop. "Tell me everything you know about the captain and his new love," Adalind says. Later, two leather-clad bikers arrive at a swanky hotel, show the markings on their hands as a form of ID and enter Adalind's room. "I think we should probably meet face to face," Monroe says. They need to talk the moment he gets off work. Renard, angry, heads back to work and blows off all his coworkers. Juliette, looking guilt stricken, rushes out of the potions shop.

  • Monroe catches Juliette making out with Renard.
  • The synopsis below may give away important plot points.

    What episode does nick find out juliet is a hexenbiest